Predictive Maintenance

TMA/TMD Passive Damping Devices Application


I-care SAS, represented by Damien Renard, Teamleader, has integrated Micromega-Dynamics products for predictive maintenance across multiple sectors.

The primary products used are the TMA/TMD passive damping devices, which are essential for maintenance and troubleshooting tasks to address vibration problems.

Predictive Maintenance with TMA/TMD Passive Damping Devices

“Nicolas was excellent. The TMA/TMD passive damping devices are easy to install and highly effective in solving vibration problems.”

Damien Renard
Teamleader, I-care SAS
Passive damping device

Monitoring & Norms

The main application of Micromega-Dynamics products at I-care SAS involves addressing vibration issues in rotating machinery.

The company adheres to ISO vibration standards for rotating machinery and other relevant vibration norms to ensure compliance and effectiveness in their maintenance practices.

Used Material

I-care SAS uses TMA/TMD passive damping devices from Micromega-Dynamics.

These devices are known for being easy to install and highly effective in mitigating vibration problems, making them a valuable asset for maintenance and troubleshooting across various sectors.

Product Reference:

  • 50 Hz Tuned Mass Absorber
  • 100 Hz Tuned Mass Absorber