Whole-body Vibration Dosimeters
Our innovative vibration dosimeter allows for vibration measurements to be taken of whole-body vibration exposure according to ISO 2631. Its autonomous sensors that do not need to be wired during measurements and automated artefact detection provide for a user-friendly implementation and use (can be used by non-experts).
Stored data is downloaded from the sensor(s) at the end of the working period to a smartphone or a PC using a Bluetooth connection.
The software allows for the automatic computation and display of workers’ exposure to whole-body vibrations and indicates how such exposure compares with the limit and action values defined in the vibration Directive.
The set of whole-body vibration meters (Vib@Work Seat, Vib@Work Floor & Vib@Work Detect) can measure the vibration exposure of either seated or standing operators. In addition, when used in conjunction, seat efficiency can also be measured (i.e. S.E.A.T. factors).
Safety at work made easy

Features of our Vibration Dosimeter
- Wireless and user-friendly operation (can be used by non-experts)
- Automatic measurement and computation of the exposure levels as defined in the 2002/44/CE European directive
- Automatic measurement of exposure time
- Automatic identification and removal of unwanted effects
- Direct access to measurement results using a laptop or an android application
- Very short learning curve
- Reasonnable cost

Vib@Work Seat – The whole-body dosimeter
Vib@Work Seat (formerly “Evec”) is a dosimeter for measuring vibrations transmitted to the whole body. It allows for the measurement of the vibration levels experienced by seated operators in accordance with European Directive 2002/44/EC. The sensor is a semi-rigid interface to be placed on the driver’s seat.
Seated operator exposure
(1) Vib@Work Seat
Vib@Work Floor – The floor vibration dosimeter
Vib@Work Floor (option) is a dosimeter for measuring floor vibrations.
Used in combination with the Vib@Work Seat, it allows for the calculation of seat efficiency factors, also called S.E.A.T. factors.
Vib@Work Detect – The standing operator dosimeter
Vib@Work Detect (option) is an external and autonomous presence detector (for use in combination with Vib@Work Seat or Floor) that allows for the calculation of the vibration level experienced by standing operators in accordance with European Directive 2002/44/EC.
These three sensors communicate with the EvecSensorDuo software installed on your PC through a wireless connection. No wires are needed.
Stand-up operator exposure
(2) Vib@Work Floor
(3) Vib@Work Detect
EvecSensorDuo Software
This software allows users:
- To select the required measurement configuration (seated operator exposure,
standing operator exposure or seat efficiency measurement, S.E.A.T factors) - To switch ON the sensor(s) according to the selected measurement
- To access – through a wireless connection – measurements made by the sensor(s).
- To automatically and easily calculate and display the final results of the vibration measurements
(such as daily vibration exposure A(8) and/or the S.E.A.T. factors for example).
S.E.A.T. Factor
(1) Vib@Work Seat
(2) Vib@Work Floor
WBCheck (Option)
Vib@Work WBCheck is a check bench for “whole body” dosimeters allowing for the acceleration measurement of “seat” or “floor” sensors to be validated along the 3 measurement
axes X, Y and Z
EvecViewerDuo Software (Option)
This software allows users:
- To display time histories of acceleration levels acquired with Vib@Work Seat, Floor and Detect sensors during vibration exposure measurements
- To interact with the acceleration graph to edit ranges, zoom, pan
- To define exclusion ranges, besides the ones that are automatically created by the sensors and activate or deactivate them in order to compute their impact on daily vibration exposures
- To define groups of exclusions, which allows all exclusions in a group to be simultaneously activated or deactivated
- To highlight peaks in acceleration measurements
- To annotate measurement ranges of interest
- To import voice records (which have been taken during the vibration measurements) into EvecViewerDuo, where you can play them and hence determine the impact of particular driving or operating events on vibration measurement results
- To simulate different utilization times of the vehicle or machine
- To export results in 3 different formats (evc, spreadsheet, text)
- To copy graphs and measurement results to the clipboard and paste them into a work processor for reporting purposes
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