Recovib Feel + Tiny

Feel USB + Tiny


Suitcase, accessories and software included

Tiny Vibration Recorder

The smallest vibration recorder on the market

The Recovib.Tiny is a 3-axis shock & vibration data logger. This wireless vibration sensor is extremely practical for a vibration diagnosis, offering up to 6 hours of measurement. Its wireless technology and intuitive operation provides substantial time savings in the performance of your measurements. It is the only type of vibration and shock recorder that allows several sensors to be used simultaneously in a synchronized manner enabling the performance of modal analyses and operational deflection shape analyses on large structures such as bridges or Walkways.

The RECOVIB Tiny is the smallest, lightest and the most robust recorder on the market that is able to perform recordings in extreme conditions ranging from -10°C to +50°C. It is also dust and watertight to IP65.

FEEL USB Accelerometer

Introducing the RECOVIB Feel,  the easiest to use USB accelerometer designed for immediate vibratory analysis. This compact device seamlessly connects to Android devices (smartphone  and tablet) or to PCs via a USB connection, unlocking a world of real-time insights. The supplied Recovib.Feel free  application enables the streaming of real-time vibration data on a chart in the time domain and in the frequency domain. While streaming, it is possible to record vibration data in order to replay it in a data viewer, on your smartphone or your PC. The viewer allows for a detailed analysis of the vibrations recorded in the time domain and in the frequency domain.


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