
Calibration of vibration sensors for precision performances
Micromega Dynamics provides a wide range of calibration services for its vibration sensors (RECOVIB® & VIB@WORK®). In addition, aftersales services are also available for sensor repairs. Passive damping devices (TMD/TMA) in particular are tuned to a special frequency and de-tuning can occur. It is recommended that the proper tuning of the TMD/TMA is checked on a regular basis.
What we do
- Vibration sensor calibration
- Sensor repairs & battery replacement
- TMD/TMA re-tuning
Whole-Body Vibration Meters Calibration
The evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration in line with ISO2631 requires that the related instrumentation complies with the ISO8041 standard “Human response to vibration – Measuring instrumentation”.
In particular, the evaluation of seated operators requires that the vibration meter implements the so-called Wd and Wk weighting curves (X, Y and Z directions respectively) and that vibration meters are periodically checked.
Micromega Dynamics has specific test benches that allow for both large displacements that are needed to validate the good behavior of dosimeters at low frequencies and much smaller displacements to check their response at higher frequencies.

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