Vibration monitoring & control

Your expert in vibration sensors and monitoring systems

Discover how Micromega Dynamics’ innovative solutions in online structure monitoring, structural vibration reduction, and high-precision mechanisms can transform your industrial projects. Our solutions, proven in demanding environments such as wind turbines, railways, large outdoor structures and various other industrial processes, ensure optimal performances and reliability where it matters most.

FEEL Vibration Recorder
Discover our most popular Vibration Sensors.
Feel USB accelerometer

Feel USB Accelerometer

Tiny Recovib Vibration control

Tiny Vibration Recorder

IAC Accelerometre

Industrial Accelerometer

Recovib Monitor-4 et 8

Monitor Acquisition systems

“The Micromega accelerometers are robust and reliable sensors with a broad range of sensitivities, making them perfect for a broad range of structural health monitoring applications such as offshore wind foundation monitoring and bridge monitoring.”

C. Devriendt
Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Vibration monitoring cloud solution
Monitor vibrations, customize alerts, and access unlimited data with our Cloud Platform !

Discover the Vibration Cloud platform for efficient multi-user remote application management. Easily monitor vibrations, customize alerts, download data, and generate reports with scalable storage and alarms.

Explore our tailored engineering services for custom sensor solutions and optimized vibration analysis.

Custom Sensors

Custom sensor solutions tailored to meet specific environmental, deployment, and reliability requirements.

Vibration Troubleshooting

Expert in vibration diagnosis, source identification, and performance validation for optimized structural solutions.


Calibration of vibration sensors and TMD/TMA tuning for precision performances.

Building success with our trusted clients

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