Dual Axis Inclinometers

Vibration Sensor and Accelerometer

Dual Axis Inclinometers


Designed to withstand harsh operating conditions

Those dual axis inclinometers are designed to measure very small changes from the vertical level, either on the ground or in structures.

They exhibit high resolution and low thermal drift. Their mechanical design and enhanced internal surge protection make them particularly useful for the permanent outdoor monitoring of structures being subjected to various influences such as loading and foundation settlement.

Typical use

Dual axis inclinometers are used across various applications for different purposes, thanks to their versatility and advantageous offerings. Some applications in which they have proven valuable include:

  • Off-shore wind turbine foundations
  • Bridges and piers
  • Historical buildings
  • Structural load testing
  • Vessel and pontoon roll and pitch measurement
  • Crane roll and pitch measurement
  • Structural Health Monitoring


Our dual axis inclinometers offer a wide range of unique and helpful features to ensure reliable measurements and optimum performances. Some of these key features include:

  • Biaxial
  • High accuracy and resolution
  • Excellent thermal stability
  • 4-20 mA current loops for signal immunity and potentially long cable runs
  • Enhanced surge protection
  • Internal temperature sensor for residual thermal drift compensation
  • Two models for horizontal or vertical mounting
  • Easy to install

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