Recovib SUITE

Suite Software - Cloud Solution

SUITE Software : Monitor your Recovib device


Introducing our versatile accelerometer appthe free RECOVIB.SUITE software. This powerful tool empowers users to seamlessly configure various RECOVIB® devices, including Tiny, Feel, and Monitor, for optimal performance. With five distinct application modules, the Recovib.Suite transforms the user experience.

The free Recovib Suite is composed of 5 application modules:  

  1. The Recovib.Tiny Module allows the user to set up the Recovib.Tiny vibration recorder (i.e. to define the recording period) and to download the recorded data to the host PC.
  2. The Recovib.Feel Module allows the user to visualize and record signals acquired with the Recovib.Feel USB vibration sensor connected to the host PC.
  3. The Recovib.Monitor Module allows the user to visualize and record signals acquired with Recovib.Monitor acquisition systems connected to the host PC.
  4. The Recovib.Converter Module allows the user to export the data recorded by the Recovib devices in various data formats (txt, wav, MATLAB, LabVIEW, HDF5 etc.).
  5. The Recovib.Viewer Module allows the user to replay the data recorded by the Recovib devices.

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Additionnal Informations

Features of the accelerometer app

Discover an array of advanced features within the RECOVIB.SUITE, your all-in-one accelerometer app. Elevate your data analysis and visualization with the following capabilities:

  • Visualization of the real-time or recorded data in both time and frequency domains
  • Acquisition pre-processing: low-pass & high-pass filtering, integration and double integration
  • Definition of the FFT Analysis (i.e. number of points, windowing, averaging, display units)
  • Computation and display of key statistics (I.e. RMS exponential moving average, peak-to-peak, min., max. etc.)
  • Export of subsets of the recorded data
  • Export of graphs and acquisitions

Schedule RECOVIB Tiny Measurements with the Tiny Module

How to use the RECOVIB MONITOR Acquisition Unit with the RECOVIB Suite to stream real-time data. For a more advanced use of the RECOVIB MONITOR , please watch the tutorials covering the Viewer module features.

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