Quarry Blasting Vibration & Air Overpressure Monitoring
Recovib Shiver & Cloud Monitoring
Quarry operations, mainly blasts, generate vibration and sound waves (air blasts) that propagate to the neighboring infrastructures both above ground, such as houses, industrial buildings or below ground, such as pipes and foundations. Depending on the blast type, nuisances can be felt far away from the quarry. These nuisances can be light leading to discomfort or heavy leading to damages to nearby structures. Monitoring these sound and vibration nuisances is essential for quarry managers in order to improve operations and limit resulting negative effects and therefore manage good relationships with the site neighbors.

What we do
Ensuring Environmental Quality with Permanent Quarry Monitoring
A measurement campaign carried out by an expert in environmental nuisances around a quarry showed that people living in the area were impacted by vibration and blasting overpressure. The highest levels of vibration and overpressure did not appear in the same place, but in locations separated by a few kilometers.
Based on those findings, the quarry operators wanted to implement a permanent monitoring solution at those two locations, one for vibration and the other for blast overpressure.
He was also interested in being able to access measurements for both internal analysis (blasting process optimization over the long term) and reporting to neighboring residents and local authorities. Two RECOVIB.SHIVER devices were implemented together with access to the RECOVIB.IO platform.
Permanent monitoring now allows for the optimization of quarry operations, the reduction of nuisances in the surrounding area and provides a means of assurance for neighbors and authorities that the quality of their environment is taken into account.