
We are looking for specialized distributors in several countries. Interested ? Contact us Vibration sensors for harsh environments Vibration sensors - new range with connectors Tiny vibration recorders and usb accelerometers End-to-end connected monitoring devices...

Find your product

Find your vibration measurement sensor TINY Vibration Recorder Smallest recorder on the market ✔️   3-axis shock & vibration data logger✔️   Multiple sensors synchronisation < 1ms✔️   Wireless technology More info FEEL USB Accelerometer The vibration...

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About this cookie policy. This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information...

6th National Structures Control & Monitoring Day – France

On March 14, Micromega-Dynamics participated, in Nantes (France), to the “6ème journée nationale Contrôle & Monitoring des Structures” and presented its “Quarry blasting” monitoring Cloud application. SHM France, the commercial fair that brought together several...

Monitoring Systems

Vibration monitoring system Based on our experience in electronic design, electronic and electrical assembly and on our existing products and modular RECOVIB.IO platform, we provide the following services:   Integration of our own sensors (or commercially...