Tremor Vibration Recorder
TREMOR all in one vibration measurement instrument
Tremor is an easy to use robust and compact vibration measurement device.
It is recommended for all vibration measurement applications, whether occasional or long-term.
Therefore, Micromega Dynamics offers selling and renting packages combining Cloud modules and devices.
Tremor integrates:
- A High-Resolution or Ultra High-Resolution MEMS 3 axes accelerometer
- A multi-purpose acquisition and monitoring systems
- A 2G, 4G and 5G router
- A 24V DC power supply
How does it work ?
Installed in different areas to monitor the vibration levels, the Tremor find automatically the best 5G network to immediately send its data to the Micromega Cloud platform.
Its circular internal buffer memorize raw data for the Cloud to be able to show burst on user’s defined trigger levels.
Tremor also notes the peak values every 30 sec than averages them every 5 min and send those Statistics to the Cloud Platform.
Typical use
Tremor enables the vibrations generated by Human activities to be monitored in real time and ensures
that they do not cause any damages to surrounding infrastructures.
It is installed in area around which vibration can be emitted by :
- Construction/Demolition activities
- Pile Driving
- Blasting from Quaries and Mines
- Train, Metro or Tram on rail
- Trucks or buses on road
- … Many more
Thanks to the automatic connection to our Cloud platform, several users can receive SMS, Email messages and reports enabling them to react to various events.
- All integrated easy to install, easy to handle, no waste of time
- Automatic connection to the Cloud, no need of an IT specialist on site
- Robust and IP65 casing, can be use in severe environment
- High reliability, install it and forget it
- Small packag
- All in one (MEMS sensor, DAQ, 5G router)
- Internal or external sensor installation
- IP65
- Low voltage 24V DC
- LED status display
- Wireless connectivity
- Comply to different norms for structural damage: DIN 4150-3, ISEE, NP2074, …
- Option external battery pack
On Micromega Cloud platform :
- Provide continuous statistics measurement
- Provide “Burst” (raw datas) on event trigger
- Provide Alarms depending on norms or customers wishes
- Send SMS and Email
- Create reports following norms or customers demands
Works with Recovib.IO
Recovib.Io is an Azure Cloud platform developed by Micromega Dynamics to achieve remote processing, visualization, alert, report, and storage management of measurements from Recovib Tremor, Recovib Monitor and Recovib.Shiver devices.

Contact Us
You have a question ? You need a quote ?
Tel : +32 (0) 81 24 81 00 | Mail :