The vibration stethoscope

Feel USB Accelerometer : the vibration stethoscope


Introducing the RECOVIB Feel,  the easiest to use USB accelerometer designed for immediate vibratory analysis. This compact device seamlessly connects to Android devices (smartphone  and tablet) or to PCs via a USB connection, unlocking a world of real-time insights. The supplied Recovib.Feel free  application enables the streaming of real-time vibration data on a chart in the time domain and in the frequency domain. While streaming, it is possible to record vibration data in order to replay it in a data viewer, on your smartphone or your PC. The viewer allows for a detailed analysis of the vibrations recorded in the time domain and in the frequency domain.

Signal processing options

Various signal processing options are available: high-pass, low-pass and band-pass filters, integrator filters (velocity mode) and dual-integrator filters (displacement mode). In the frequency domain, several FFT-based computations are offered: Amplitude Spectrum, Peak and RMS, Power Spectrum, Power Spectral Density and Amplitude Spectral Density.

Typical use

The typical use of this USB accelerometer spans across diverse industries and scenarios:

  • “Quick & dirty” vibration monitoring
  • Real-time vibration analysis
  • Real-time frequency and time analysis
  • Vibration diagnosis
  • Vibration modal analysis
  • Machine tools – Automotive – Aviation
  • Structural analysis and Health Monitoring


Main features of our cutting-edge 3-axis accelerometer, engineered to redefine your vibration monitoring experience:

  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • DC to 250 Hz useful bandwidth
  • Low noise
  • Compact and rugged design
  • Protection grade IP67


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Recovib Software

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Recovib FEEL App

Recovib Feel App

Works with Recovib Suite and Recovib Tiny App

RECOVIB suite is free downloadable software for Micromega Dynamics device management and measurement analysis.

Get it on Google Play

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