Rotating Machinery Vibration Reduction
Passive Damping Device
Rotating Machinery Vibration Reduction
Machines are now being operated at increasing rotational speeds and loads and under increasingly severe operating conditions, leading to excessive machine vibrations, hence the failure of sensitive components.
Usually, situations with excessive vibrations can be solved by proper alignment and balancing techniques. But there are cases where structural resonances are excited by the machine operation resulting in a significant increase of the overall vibration level. This high vibration level can bring the machine out of its safe operating area as advised in standards such as ISO 20816 (formerly ISO 10816).

What we do
Water Pump Vibration Reduction
A 75kW water pump motor experienced excessive vibration levels (up to 11mm/s RMS) due to the presence of a structural resonance in the mechanical supporting structure (see below).
The frequency of this structural resonance lies within the operating range of the variable speed motor, leading to significant vibration amplification.
When the motor frequency varies and sweeps over this resonance frequency, the vibration is amplified to unacceptable levels. Thanks to the TMD, the structural resonance has been significantly reduced.