Vibration Sensitive Assets
Recovib Shiver & Cloud Monitoring
Vibration Sensitive Assets
People that owns vibration sensitive assets have ongoing concerns about the potential detrimental impact of surrounding construction work, road or railways traffic.
Vibration and/or dust sensitive assets typically include museums, works of art, ancient buildings or facilities equipped with very accurate manufacturing, measurement or inspection systems.

What we do

Construction work by a museum
Following construction works in close proximity to a museum in Brussels, people in charge of the preservation of works of art were concerned about the impact of dust and vibration.
A RECOVIB.SHIVER with both vibration and dust concentration measuring capabilities was installed in the room facing the construction works.
After connection with the RECOVIB.IO platform, alarms from the dust concentration sensor occurred rapidly, while in this case, vibration levels were less of an issue.
Measures were taken quickly to modify the access routes and optimize the internal walkways.
This helped to avoid damaging the works of art on display.
However, additional alarms took place. The addition of a few outdoor screens by the site manager solved the problem.