Vibration Monitoring Equipment
Vibration Monitoring Equipment | Monitor Acquisition Systems
Based on our extensive background in wind turbine structural parts monitoring, the MONITOR devices provide flexibility, precision measurement and dependability – even in harsh, remote environments.
How does it work ?
- The variety of input challenges
- The possibility of mixing different input signals (voltage, current, IEPE) – Flexibility of use
- The wide bandwith (0-20kHz – allows acquisition of all physical quantities)
- The quality/service/price ratio
Typical use
- Monitoring of bridges, buildings, tunnels, pylons, dams, locks, water reservoirs, towers, …
- Mining or quarrying operation
- Construction / demolition sites supervision
- Various industrial processes
- …
- Local use with the Recovib.Suite software
- Synchronized input channels
- Time management (connection to an NTP server)
- Very High dynamics (>120 dB)
- Connection to the platform for alerts, reports and displays
Additionnal Informations
(voltage, differential voltage, current or IEPE inputs)
(differential voltage, current or IEPE inputs)
Vibration monitoring equipment for various sensors
The vibration monitoring equipment Recovib.Monitor can also combine vibration measurements with other kind of datas like temperature, speed, dust, blast, humidity, strain, wind direction and many more. It can manage up to eight input channels accepting current loop, IEPE, single-ended/differential voltage signals from selected sensors. This multipurpose system continually track and analyze key signals to provide real-time datas to the technical managers involved in the productivity, the safety and the well-being.
They can either stream sensor’s raw data to a local machine or send secured messages to the platform. In that mode, they can be remotely configured and customized to fit customer’s needs.
What is vibration monitoring equipment ? What is it used for ?
A vibration monitoring equipment is a system that collects information from various sensors. Thanks to its embedded intelligence, it can already make this information usable by formatting it and transmitting it through different channels (direct, LAN, 4G).
No matter the application, the primary goal remains the same: early detect any potential failures signals to prevent any kind of damages. By implementing vibration monitoring equipment, companies can optimize performance, extend asset lifespans and improve overall resource management.
Related Products
Works with Recovib Suite and Recovib.IO
RECOVIB suite is free downloadable software for Micromega Dynamics device management and measurement analysis.
Recovib.Io is an Azure Cloud platform developed by Micromega Dynamics to achieve remote processing, visualization, alert, report, and storage management of measurements from Recovib.monitor and Recovib.Shiver devices.
Works for OEM
We also provide an API for OEM to integrate monitors in their own solution.
Technical notes
Discover our different usecases
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