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Micromega Dynamics your expert in vibration sensors and monitoring systems
Micromega Dynamics proposes innovative solutions in the field of online structure monitoring, structural vibration reduction and high-precision mechanisms.
These solutions have been deployed in demanding environments such as on-shore and off-shore wind turbines, railways, quarries, construction works, rotating machinery, outdoor structures and large telescopes where performance and reliability are essential.
In addition to off-the-shelf products, Micromega proposes engineering services in order to help you to design, manufacture and implement dedicated industrial solutions in the field of on-line monitoring, vibration reduction and high-precision mechanisms.
With hundreds of customers all over the world, we have a background of 20 years in the design and production of mechatronic devices for monitoring and reducing structural vibrations.
Micromega-Dynamics and Recovib products now available on Traceparts
All our products, including accelerometers, smart sensors, vibration datalogger and connected monitoring systems, are now available on the TraceParts CAD platform. With TraceParts, Micromega-Dynamics has entered a cooperation with one of the world’s leading suppliers...
Micromega participe au projet Smart-R4F !
PROJETS COFINANCÉS PAR L’UNION EUROPÉENNE ET LA WALLONIE Le Fonds Européen de DEveloppement Régional ( FEDER) et la Wallonie soutiennent financièrement le projet suivant de Micromega Dynamics: SMART-R4F Le projet Smart-R4F vise à la création d'un écosystème dédié à la...
Micromega Dynamics participated in the design of the image correction device of the DKIST solar telescope.
The primary mirror of the DKIST telescope that took these pictures of the sun is shaped by dozens of actuators designed and manufactured by Micromega Dynamics for the AMOS company. Credit: NSO/NSF/AURA
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